Energize Your Morning with Aroma Yoga

Here is an amazing way to take your yoga sessions to the next level by incorporating Young Living Essential Oils. Yoga and therapeutic grade essential oils can help improve physical strength and mental focus. I’ve noticed I’m more alert, grounded, and more present, during and after my yoga sessions. 

When you wake up some mornings, do you ever wonder, “I just woke up; why do I feel so tired?” or, “How am I going to muster the get-up-and-go I need for the day?” Let me share a few simple, yet powerful, Aroma Yoga® exercises that may help stoke your inner fire and energize your body and mind so you can start your day with an extra boost!

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My Monthly Wellness Kit

My monthly wellness kit has arrived!

I love this day of the month when my Young Living order arrives. So much goodness in every order, which is totally customizable including the date.

All the products to the right of the Lantern diffuser (Super Cal supplement, Sara essential oil, Marjoram essential oil, Orange Blossom Facial Wash, and Einkorn Granola) were free. That’s a value of 144.08 euro. Wow!! And, the Loyalty essential oil in the front is an annual gift to me for enjoying monthly wellness (on Young Living’s Essential Rewards Program) for 12 consecutive months! So many gifts for me and my family to enjoy!
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Change of Season Throat Spray

This time of year and change of season often brings dry sinuses and dry, scratchy throats. As soon as I start to notice that scratchy feeling in the back of my throat, I mix up a simple soothing spray.

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9 Reasons to Use Raven Essential Oil

Feeling weak and weary? We say, “Nevermore!” If October seems dark and dreary, reach for Raven™ essential oil blend. Its Poe-fect scent brightens the day of even the broodiest poets. And if your day could use more moments of deep breathing, Raven’s cooling sensation and refreshing aroma will do the trick!

One thing Raven can’t do? Mask the beating of a tell-tale heart. Good thing there are nine other things it can easily a-caw-mplish!

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9 Next-Level Benefits of Black Pepper Essential Oil

Most people know black pepper as an essential culinary spice—it brings a burst of flavor to simple and complex recipes. But did you know black pepper can enhance other areas of your life as well? Shake things up with Black Pepper essential oil.

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Ingredients you’ll never find in YL products

Do you remember ninth grade biology class? The pungent smell of formaldehyde filling the air as you performed the public school ritual of frog dissection? Did you know that many popular personal care products list formaldehyde as an ingredient or mention a preservative that releases formaldehyde? Yeah, we think it’s gross, too. That’s why we don’t include it in our products and have a list of other ingredients that Young Living doesn’t use.

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How Much Water Are You Drinking?

Water is so important. Did you know that if you’re not drinking enough water you could feel depressed, run down, sleep deprived, foggy headed, achy all over, constipation, or lethargic? Just to name a few. Here’s some info on how much water you should be drinking and some yummy ideas on how to make drinking water a bit more desirable.
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